STE - Sanitizing Technologies and Equipments, as a Spin-off of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in collaboration with professors and experts in the field, we put scientific research first, demonstrating with scientific publications the value of our products. Read our scientific publications.
Our work on the development and validation of innovative systems allowed us to obtain the world's first scientific publication, in an international scientific journal, on the application of a sanitisation and purification system installed on a train. We tested and validated our CSA SYSTEM on the Vivalto regional train.
The application on field of the CSA SYSTEM was carried out installing the device in University of Urbino Carlo Bo sports environments.
The results of the testing phase were the subject of an oral presentation during the 55th National Congress of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health.
See the abstract book at page 87 (E42).
The literature research about the use of UV-C LEDs in sanitization of indoor environments led to the publication of a narrative review in an international journal.
© STE - sanitizing